For privacy I'll just refer to my fellow players as their initials. :3
Played by: R
Ancestry: Battle-Ready Orc
Birthplace: Stallislond
Background: Acolyte
Class: Warpriest Cleric
A former Reformed Clovic Church priest caught embezzling funds. Is in Hendir as penance for her misdeeds, but also to learn about the roots of her religion.
Party members with Hortus
Party members with Silvester
Party members with Reza
Played by: N
Ancestry: Fruit leshy
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Plant whisperer
Class: Single water gate Kineticist
Hortus was created by the ambitious druid Mara for the purpose of replicating the effects of Arafani's soil. It was certainly exceptional, being able to command the element of water with magical martial techniques, but it failed to prove it could fulfill its purpose to very powerful people in the Union Parliament. Mara, furious and embarrassed, couldn't sweep the destruction of the leshy under the rug, so it was sent away to Madarch. However, Mara's own waste of UP money and time landed him in prison, and was soon also sent to Madarch. Now, Hortus wants to succeed where it failed before by learning about Madarch's secrets and someday transforming itself to fulfill its purpose. Upon arriving in Hendir, Hortus took an interest in Silvester because of her strange connection with the Peris.
Friends and party member with Elain.
Friends and party member with Silvester.
Friends and party members with Reza.
Creation of Mara. Has a child-parent relation with him.
Played by: J
Ancestry: Umbral gnome
Birthplace: Eremita
Background: Charlatan
Class: Giant instinct Barbarian
Silvester is a Eremitan gnome peasant turned shoddy woodworking artisan turned drug seller trying to get money fast to get her family out of debt. Her most recent scam was trying to sell fake Nena keys to evacuees under the alias “Silvester” in the threat of impending war between the other Inpetan kingdoms and Eremita. She and her keysmithing cohort got caught and she became a Barbarian in prison before learning that she would be sent out to Madarch. Silvester's ancestors left Arafani after a romantic relationship with a Peris turned very sour. The wrathful lasting influence of the Peris marks an arafayi as “umbral.” Upon arriving at the colony, she tried to scam the fellow prisoner Narmer, who began to set her back on the right path. The leshy Hortus took interest in her after learning about her strange connection to the Peris.
Friend and party member of Elain.
Friend and party member of Hortus.
Friends and party members with Reza.
Friend of Decimus Eligius.
Played by: M
Ancestry: Hillock Holbytla (Halfling)
Birthplace: Arafani
Background: Baker
Class: Animal order Druid
A baker from Arafani who was hired by Inpetan royalty as a cook. An assassin slipped poison into a meal baked by Reza, which killed a member of the royal family. Reza was blamed as the assassin and sent away to Madarch because they had need of more cooks. After 5 years baking for the penal colony, Reza had trained its abilities enough to join the CCA. Has a woolvil animal companion named Precious (she/her), who Reza befriended upon arriving at the island. Reza and Jeb found out that the true assassin is somewhere on Madarch, perhaps somewhere in the colony, and are trying to find them. Met Hortus and wants to help it understand Arafani's unique properties as a native there and as a druid
Friends and party members with Hortus.
Friends and party members with Elain.
Friends and party members with Silvester.
Friends and co-conspirator with Jeb.
Characters who are familially related and share a surname will be alphabetically sorted by their surname rather than their given name.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Martial artist
Class: Monk
Attitude: Helpful
Albus was a heretic whose monastery was dissolved. He was rebellious and fought in prison, so he was sent away to Madarch.
Spiritual and sparring partner of Narmer.
Ancestry: Winter orc
Birthplace: Formagrad
Background: Warden
Class: Fighter
Attitude: Unfriendly
Bradur lived in Formagrad as the son of a cavalry officer of a Danneth warlord. Hating the new republic, he moved to Inpetus and produced propaganda for the king, as well as changed his name. The king began to favour him and he was made the warden of a prison. When the Madarch penal colony project began, Bradur volunteered as sheriff for the colony, and was accepted for the position. He manages the other priviliged factions within Hendir.
Close with luka sike pi kiwen.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Weaponsmith
Attitude: Helpful
Decimus is an artisan who held sympathy for Silvester and her family. He smithed the fake Nena keys that Silvester scammed people with. He got caught along with her and was sent out to Madarch. He is named Decimus because he is the tenth child to his parents. He hopes they're still proud of him.
Friend of Silvester
Thinks Kalekongwe is pretty, but too smart for him.
Ancestry: Grave Orc
Birthplace: Arafani
Background: Chef
Class: Investigator
Attitude: Helpful
Jeb is a former chef that worked alongside Reza as the assassination of a Inpetan royal took place. Only she and Reza know the true assassin is still out there, and Jeb has traced them to here on Madarch.
Friends and co-conspirator with Reza
Ancestry: Ant kholo
Birthplace: Cheka
Background: Scribe
Attitude: Indifferent
Kalekongwe is a historian and archivist of ancient Madarchic canon at the CCA library.
Friends with Mara Cutura.
Ancestry: Forge dwarf
Birthplace: Nena
Background: Farmer
Attitude: Unfriendly
Formerly a rich farmer in Nena, Lusipiki (an abbreviation of her dwarven name luka sike pi kiwen) wanted to get away from the caretaking life of a gini in Nena and volunteered as a member of the guard in Hendir just after its establishment. She was soon found out to be incredibly proficient, a hidden talent not even she had known about. She was quickly promoted to captain of the guard. Sometimes she acts as a judge for severe criminal issues.
Close with Bradur Predatel.
Close with Aethel ibnat Cearcern O'Cneoris.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Plant whisperer
Class: Druid
Attitude: Helpful
Mara is a druid who wanted to recreate the Peris-influenced properties of Arafani soil in Inpetus. He created a leshy for this purpose, and although the leshy came out special, it could not do what Mara wanted it to do. It proved it could not during a demonstration to officials in the Union Parliament, who had given Mara much funding for the project's success. Mara's failure to produce results had him and the leshy jailed, and eventually shipped to Madarch for his knowledge of plants and to make himself useful.
Creator of Hortus. Has a bitter parent-child relationship with it.
Friends with Kalekongwe.
Created by: B
Ancestry: Tailed goblin
Birthplace: Saqf
Background: Acolyte
Class: Monk
Attitude: Helpful
Born a hyperactive problem child, they were taken to a monastery to learn discipline. They shed their family name and became a scribe and student of religious canon. When Inpetus began invading Saqf, they fought as a warrior monk but was captured as a prisoner of war and sent away to Madarch. Now, they want to build a monastery for their monastic order here in Madarch. Upon arriving in Hendir, they were targeted by one of Silvester's scams, which they saw right through immediately. Narmer made it their mission to put Silvester on the right path again, and they soon became friends.
Friends and former party members with Silvester.
Friends and former party members with Hortus.
Spiritual and sparring partner of Albus.
Ancestry: Orc
Birthplace: Stallislond
Background: Priest
Attitude: Friendly
A Reformed Clovic priest. Has great interest in rapidly colonising Madarch, especially Seth. Knows how to interpret and rework ancient Madarchic magical runes
Ancestry: Orc-Vishkanya
Birthplace: Formagrad
Background: Merchant
Attitude: Unfriendly
Kartina was a merchant in pre-revolution Formagrad, but took issue with the treatment of property and competition in the new country. She left Formagrad with her two sisters and became rich through controlling the trade of fine art, decoratives, and jewellery. In Hendir, these guilds are absorbed into the Trysor guild. She oversees the sale and import of these items in and out of Hendir. She has a habit of cutting gems into weird and esoteric shapes. She identifies more strongly with the vishkanyan side of her ancestry.
Sister of Motygoy Prodavets.
Sister of Zheleznaya Prodavets.
Ancestry: Orc-Vishkanya
Birthplace: Formagrad
Background: Merchant
Attitude: Unfriendly
Motygoy was a merchant in pre-revolution Formagrad, but took issue with the treatment of property and competition in the new country. She left Formagrad with her two sisters and became rich through controlling the trade of agricultural tools and livestock. In Hendir, these guilds are absorbed into the Hanifail guild. She oversees the sale and import of these items in and out of Hendir. She prefers the smell of horses and fertiliser to the more conventionally pleasant smells her rich lifestyle grants her access to.
Sister of Zheleznaya Prodavets.
Sister of Kartina Prodavets.
Ancestry: Orc-Vishkanya
Birthplace: Formagrad
Background: Merchant
Attitude: Unfriendly
Zheleznaya was a merchant in pre-revolution Formagrad, but took issue with the treatment of property and competition in the new country. She left Formagrad with her two sisters and became rich through controlling the trade of weapons and armour. In Hendir, these guilds are absorbed into the Clethyv guild. She oversees the sale and import of these items in and out of Hendir. She becomes entranced when presented with a fine piece of metal.
Sister of Motygoy Prodavets.
Sister of Kartina Prodavets.
Ancestry: Leshy
Birthplace: Unknown
Background: Unknown
Attitude: Indifferent
A leshy who may have a lead on the rogue druid in the colony.
Ancestry: Mountainkeeper Tengu
Birthplace: Karasunosu
Background: Art thief
Attitude: Indifferent
A painter and a recluse. Neglects labour.
Created by: J
Ancestry: Grave orc
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Night watch
Class: Spirit instinct Barbarian
Attitude: Indifferent
A former member of the night watch in a Inpetan city, they were framed for the murder of a noble and sent to Madarch.
Ancestry: Ragdyan vanara
Birthplace: Bremunci
Background: Miller
Attitude: Friendly
Chakkee works a grain mill along the Genedigaeth river. She wants to atone for her crimes.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Penal colony
Background: Newborn
Attitude: Indifferent
A baby. Daughter of Symphonia Choir and Concentus Choir.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Eremita
Background: Songwriter
Attitude: Indifferent
A songwriter who wrote and performed propaganda pieces for the Pakt Mira within an Inpetan kingdom. Husband of Symphonia Choir and father of Chorus Choir.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Inpetan
Background: Composer
Attitude: Indifferent
A composer with a fitting name. She retired from music after being shipped. Wife to Concentus Choir and mother to Chorus Choir.
Ancestry: Whisper elf
Birthplace: Arafani
Background: Miner
Attitude: Friendly
A miner at the quarry near Hendir. Thought the party were a bunch of rookies, and betted that they'd die to some zombies. They didn't.
Ancestry: Wellspring gnome
Birthplace: Arafani
Background: Clerk
Attitude: Indifferent
Munshi works as the daytime clerk for the CCA. He is easily irritated.
Ancestry: Winter orc
Birthplace: Formagrad
Background: Fisherman
Attitude: Indifferent
Rybak is a fisherman in the Durhir ocean. He doesn't know much about crabs.
Created by: N
Ancestry: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Attitude: Indifferent
Follower of Unnamed Deity. Has the deep desire to have been born an Elf.
Characters that are known, but are not on Madarch.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Diofyn
Background: Royal
Attitude: Indifferent
The king of Inpetus and the Inpetan kingdoms. De facto leader of the Union Parliament. Declared war on Saqf.
Ancestry: Human
Birthplace: Inpetus
Background: Thief
Attitude: Unknown
A mythologised figure spoken about in children's bedtime stories. A thief who takes from the rich and the poor, mixes them up, and redistributes them randomly. The historical basis of the character is a poet by that penname, who wrote macabre and absurdist tales of thievery, often satirising the Inpetan nobility through the character.
This is where dead player characters will go, eventually
R.I.P - Formian Worker, died Medi the 2nd, year 25. Stabbed by glaive while hiding in ground.
R.I.P - Lacedon, died Medi the 2nd, year 25. Got killed somehow i dont remember :p
R.I.P - "Lady in White", died Medi the 5th, year 25. Pinned by a broadspear and cut clean through by a glaive.
R.I.P - Zombie Shambler, died Medi the 6th, year 25. OHKO'd by an elemental blast.
R.I.P - Husk Zombie, died Medi the 6th, year 25. Disintegrated by a blast of healing magic.